AT4K is determined to reduce the amount of time it takes for children to receive an evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and provide comprehensive and accurate assessments that facilitate early intervention and tailored support. Our hope is that each child with autism can thrive, achieve their full potential, and be celebrated for their unique strengths.
Children should not have to wait months, or even years, for an assessment to diagnose ASD. AT4K is focused on evaluating 18-month- to 6-year-old children, because we don’t want these kids to double in age before receiving access to care.
Our 4-step process provides children and their families an in-person evaluation within weeks of scheduling an initial consultation. Our certified specialists use the Autism Diagnostic Observable Schedule – Second Edition (ADOS-2) activity-based assessment, which is considered the “gold standard,” to evaluate children who are suspected of having ASD.