Getting your child ready for their first school is exciting and scary for any first-time parents. They’re getting ready to learn new things and meet new people that you don’t have control over. Is your child ready for preschool? As a parent, you want your child to thrive in their new environment. One way to help guide them in that direction is by ensuring that they have all of the help and support that they need. This is why getting an early autism diagnosis can be so helpful.
If your child has signs of autism, setting them up for success includes making sure that they have all of the resources that they need and that their teachers are well-equipped to guide them towards social and educational success.
Now you can get an autism diagnosis at home with telemedicine. Keep reading to learn why this might be the right choice for you.
1. Telemedicine Makes Appointments for Children Easier
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely become very familiar with the struggle of getting a child to a doctor’s appointment on a bad day.
The child might be kicking and screaming, maybe they’re refusing to get dressed or get strapped into the car seat. They’re hungry. They’re tired. The day is shot before it’s begun.
A child that you suspect may have autism might have an even harder time. Autism can cause children (and people of all ages) to experience sensory overload. If there’s too much going on, the brain can struggle to process it.
This can cause children to get emotional or completely shut down. This adds extra stress to the child (which isn’t helpful for their diagnosis) and extra stress for you.
Telemedicine allows the appointments to happen from the comfort of your own home, meaning that you control the environment. When a child is comfortable, it may be easier for them to get through the appointment without any issues.
2. Telemedicine Works on Your Schedule
Let’s face it: busy parents don’t always have time for the multitude of doctor’s appointments that children need. If both parents work, or even if one parent stays at home and manages the home and other children, finding a moment that works on everyone’s schedule can be a nightmare.
With telemedicine, you’re more flexible.
Telemedicine appointments are done at home, meaning you cut down your appointment time significantly just by not having to drive.
You can also do your appointment at a time that fits you. Do you have to stay home and watch the kids? Do you only have Tuesdays off? You might just be in luck.
A tight schedule doesn’t have to mean that your child is missing out on their appointments. While you need several in-depth appointments for an accurate diagnosis, you can have a more manageable schedule by working with telehealth.
3. The School Will Know How to Support Your Child
Many parents wait until after school starts to seek out an autism diagnosis for their child, but is this really necessary?
While some traits may not start to present themselves until the child is older, a before-preschool diagnosis offers tangible benefits.
Children with autism can thrive in a school environment, but they might need extra attention. Different children will need different levels of assistance depending on their specific condition. Some children are nonverbal, some have compulsive tendencies, others may present similarly to neurotypical children but may still need a boost.
A teacher who is prepared to help and nurture a child with autism will be beneficial here. They can pay more attention to your child’s educational and social needs, or call in an assistant who knows all about teaching and caring for autistic children.
The teacher can’t help with something that they don’t know about.
Children with autism sometimes have more specific social needs. They have a harder time interacting with other children and can become socially isolated quickly. A teacher who’s prepared for this can step in early to support your child’s important early social development.
4. You Can Also Learn How to Best Support Your Child
This isn’t just about the teachers. An early diagnosis also helps you as a parent.
It’s easy to get frustrated when your child is doing things that you don’t understand. If you get a positive diagnosis, though, you can start learning about how to properly support them.
Children with autism may have traits and behaviors that even experienced parents aren’t used to. Getting frustrated and throwing in the towel isn’t productive. Set yourself up for success by getting a diagnosis early and giving yourself the tools to help your child succeed.
5. Early Intervention Allows the Child to Thrive
Early intervention is the best thing for a child with autism. So many of our learned behaviors are solidified when we’re still very young. A child who isn’t taught to manage their autism may have a more difficult time later.
Children are very malleable, meaning that they’re still adaptable and open to changes. Teaching your child important coping mechanisms and self-help skills when they’re young is going to turn these things into habits that they can carry with them forever.
Some children may develop enough skills to no longer be hindered by their autism in the future. Their brains are so flexible that they’re able to adapt through regular therapy and efforts from the parents and educators.
While children stay malleable for a long time, they’re at their best learning potential in the toddler stage. Take advantage of this.
An Early Autism Diagnosis Can Be Lifechanging
Helping your child succeed in any way possible is probably one of your main goals as a parent. You can work towards that by getting your child an early autism diagnosis before they get started with preschool.
If you’re a parent in Texas who’s considering a telemedicine appointment for an early autism diagnosis, visit our site. We want to help you make the right choices for your child.